The New Guardians Initiative and Living Streams Institute Inc. recently sent out a series of questions to Municipal and Provincial Candidates. I must admit that this was a last minute endeavor as we had, with the Crossroads Forum, been attempting to get a Debate Series going which never materialized. Instead we came up with the idea to have the candidates all answer a series of questions that probed the foundational understandings of the candidates and give you the voter an indication of the way Candidates will truly respond to the issues before them.
We are saddened to see that some hopeful “public servants” do not see the need to let their constituents know their views on topics. It could be that they do not know the answer, and that would be a concern, that people who can’t process questions they will eventually face are actually running for office. It could be that they did not hear about it, and that is bad on us and our people for not getting it out. We were late as previously stated, but we also rely on our members to distribute to the parties involved.
I am afraid however, that the truth is that many candidates fall into two camps
1) they do not want you the people to know where they stand, because they are more interested in winning than in being forthright. I have spoken with politicians who told me that they do not wish to be vocal about their views until after the election. Thus they are telling me, vote for someone who is ashamed of their views (which they indicate copy mine thus they are ashamed of my views), or they are saying vote for someone who will sneak around in the shadows, or they are saying vote for someone who will not stand up for truth and right. That is the underlying thinking behind their statement. The candidate that will not stand up for truth now, will not stand up for truth when elected. As Jesus said, “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven, but whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my Father in heaven.” Matthew 10:32-33. This applies just as much to truth and the issues of today as it does to Jesus and His ministry. We should learn form Jesus and if the candidates deny you information then you should deny them at the polls.
2) they do not want to be accountable to you. They are there for their own power, agenda, benefit, and they do not want to give you the right to throw them out when they are corrupt or found to be lying. A good leader will seek out accountability and will NOT TRUST HIM/HERSELF and will instead seek to have someone stand with them. Candidates with a sliver of evil in them will try to keep themselves autonomous and will try to not be pinned down on anything they will get pointed at later. Real leaders stand up and stand on their platform and then live up to it.
These people who stand for public office but do not allow themselves to be held accountable are seeking absolute power, because absolute power works in the shadows, behind closed doors, and outside the sight of the electorate. Absolute power is held by those who use/control media and darkness to cloak their misdeeds and their personal gain and power grab. When in the darkness and overlooked by complicit media, the electorate is completely in the dark and thus the politician has absolute power. Barry Goldwater said that, “Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed.”
For the others who truly have not heard about this questionnaire and survey, please take the survey and let your views be heard right now. Do not be one of the two camps above. But those who know about this, and speak about freedom, but will not reveal their true heart and will not be held accountable, we oppose you!
As far as voters, you have the responsibility to 1) be knowledgable about the issues, 2) hold your politicians accountable, and 3) get out and vote.
Holding our politicians accountable is where we fail most of the time. But this can be changed. You can share the questionnaire with ALL the candidates in your district or riding or constituency, hold them accountable in this way. PUBLICLY! The New Guardians Initiative will be holding all politicians accountable for their actions, and decisions. This is not over when election day is over. Voters, read through the submissions and keep checking back to this site where we will post responses as they come in.
In many ridings, constituencies, and districts the number of non-voters is greater than the number of voters that carry a particular candidate to victory. We encourage voters to not feel that their vote doesn’t matter when they vote outside the historical winners. Your views can make a difference and can both direct the winners in which way they should go, and can also bring about the change that you want.
Living Streams Institute Inc. will not promote candidates. The New Guardians (made up of numerous groups across Canada) will endorse Municipal Candidates that sign the Covenant of Service in Public Office. HOWEVER, both groups will identify and report on the views of candidates and the issues. We will identify problems with candidates’ views and records. We will encourage voters to look at the issues and look at the candidates’ views and to vote for truth, good morals, ethics, and governance. DO NOT VOTE FOR THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS or YOU WILL GET THE EVIL OF TWO LESSERS.
Following is a reporting of the responses of the Candidates who have responded and no matter the party or the views, we thank them for their responses and encourage you to look at these candidates. If they are in your riding or district because they were willing to stand before the people. This is the first big step in being accountable to the people. Stay tuned for updates as more become aware of the survey.
Michelle Krieger
What Constituency or municipality are you a candidate in and what position are you running for?
I am running for the position of MLA in the constituency of Cannington.
What Political Parties do you hold membership in now and over the past 5 years (Provincial / Federal / other)?
Buffalo Party of Saskatchewan
Do you believe the rights of the majority or of the individual take precedence in society?
I believe the rights of the individual should take precedence over the rights of the "majority", as long as that individual is not engaged in criminal activity.
Do you think that censorship and prosecution of views and opinions is allowed in Canadian society?
I believe that there is rampant censorship of certain views and opinions in Canada at the moment, which has resulted in the prosecution of numerous individuals due to their views not aligning with woke ideology.
Do you think the state/government has authority over the property of individuals?
The government should not have authority over the property of individuals.
What age do you believe is appropriate for the schools to introduce sexual education to the children?
I believe sexual education is not be introduced before grade 7 or 8, and should be limited to teaching about biological functions, hygiene, disease prevention and consent. SOGI should not be taught in schools, pornographic materials disguised as children's books should not be available in school libraries and fetish/alternative lifestyles (ie drag queen story hour) should not be promoted in any manner.
What is your view of the federal bill C-293?
In my view, bill C-293 is the one of the most dangerous bills to ever be introduced by our federal government. If passed, it will give the federal government far-reaching powers to implement the policies of Agenda 2030 and the UN's SDG's under the guise of disease (pandemic) prevention. The Buffalo Party stands firmly against all policies dictated by unelected, unaccountable foreign entities. As citizens of this country it is the responsibility of each of us to fight against the gross overreach contained in this bill.
Do you feel it is appropriate (legal or otherwise) for the government to pay for abortions or Medical Assistance in Dying?
Government should only fund abortions that are medically necessary due to the risk of death of the mother. MAID should only be funded in the case of severe, incurable disease where death is immanent, such as ALS or end-stage cancer.
Do you support accountability for yourself and the Recall of Politicians?
I 100% support accountability for myself and the recall of politicians. The Buffalo Party already has policy in place to allow the recall of elected members.
Elizabeth Van Nes
What Constituency or municipality are you a candidate in and what position are you running for?
Hudson Bay (North East School Division)
What Political Parties do you hold membership in now and over the past 5 years (Provincial / Federal / other)?
Currently Sask United Party for Provincial, PPC for Federal.
Do you believe the rights of the majority or of the individual take precedence in society?
I believe that laws and rules should not be adapted to the small minority of people (shared bathrooms, indoctrination of children, censorship bills, etc.). Within society and within our schools we are seeing so much being adapted to the minority and has resulted in having much chaos. When it comes to the rights of people's beliefs and bodily autonomy, they should have every say in what they want to do, where they want to go, and believe and practice what they want to believe and practice without fear of any repercussions. I believe this within the limits of having no bodily harm come to any person or physical destruction takes place (murder, child sacrifice, burning churches, smashing businesses).
Do you think that censorship and prosecution of views and opinions should be allowed in Canadian society?
No. No sensorship should be allowed.
Do you think the state/government has authority over the property of individuals?
I think they do but shouldn't. What age do you believe is appropriate for the schools to introduce sexual education to the children? Personally I believe that it should NOT be taught in schools but by parents. Unfortunately, this is not a popular opinion in today's society and likely won't be stopping sex ed in schools for a very long time if ever. I believe that it shouldn't be introduced or offered until grade 7/8 but only under the parents allowance; it's not up to the state. Parents know their children the best and it is up to them to make that judgement call for their children. I'm saying age 13 because we are now past elementary school years where accidental exposure could happen to the younger children attending the elementry school in younger grades (grades k-6). We don't need a grade 2 (7-8 year old) child going into their siblings classroom and seeing content that their eyes were not meant to see. So far the province is not doing well providing appropriate sexual education content by any stretch. I am appalled and embarrassed at what is being taught within this province/country. They are stripping away the innocence of our children. If we are needing to provide education for them in this area, then let's just keep it to the basics. Children do not need to learn how to pleasure themselves or one another.
What is your view of the federal bill C-293?
Horrible, no good, very bad bill. The government shouldn't be taking over during emergencies to this type of capacity.
Do you feel it is appropriate (legal or otherwise) for the government to pay for abortions or Medical Assistance in Dying?
No. It is full on demonic.
Do you support accountability for yourself and the Recall of Politicians?
Absolutely! When people are not doing their jobs, they need to be fired.
Jan (Janice) Derwores
What Constituency or municipality are you a candidate in and what position are you running for?
Kamsack Town Council
What Political Parties do you hold membership in now and over the past 5 years (Provincial / Federal / other)?
Do you believe the rights of the majority or of the individual take precedence in society?
Democracy is based on the principles of majority rule yet must work to protect the fundamental rights of individuals and minority groups. Equal protection of basic human rights. Citizens have rights and responsibilities.
Do you think that censorship and prosecution of views and opinions should be allowed in Canadian society?
Unequivocally no. Censorship leads to totalitarianism. The right to free expression is somewhat unclear in the Canadian Charter of rights. Canada needs to fix some things that most Canadians are unaware of. Hate speech is different and there should be no allowance for hate speech in Canada.
Do you think the state/government has authority over the property of individuals?
The unfortunate truth is that in Canada the only protection for Canadians and property rights is found in the Canadian Bill of rights which provides the federal statutory recognition of the "right of the individual to ...enjoyment of property" and the right "not to be deprived thereof except by the due process of the law." Canadians need to demand better.
What age do you believe is appropriate for the schools to introduce sexual education to the children?
One must consider that sex, violence, illicit substance abuse and alcohol abuse are ubiquitous in Canadian society today. With that in mind I believe it is imperative for parents and educators to agree that our children need to be given a good foundational knowledge of how their growing and changing bodies will function. This topic is not a "one size fits all." Youngsters need to be taught the basics of health and be encouraged to have a healthy self-respect for their own bodies. Youngsters need to be encouraged to embrace their own uniqueness and never allow themselves to be objectified for anyone else's benefit or pleasure. Youngsters need to be empowered with self-respect and self-confidence. Sex ed is a class for senior students. Sogi 123 should not be allowed in any school.
What is your view of the federal bill C-293?
My view of Bill C-293, a private member's bill introduced by Liberal MP Eskine-Smith, is that it is unconscionable on so many levels. I believe Canadians need to question every MP that has supported this bill and ask them why they have thrown their support behind it, to gain insight into why MPs in the HOC would support giving this bill any traction at all.
Do you feel it is appropriate (legal or otherwise) for the government to pay for abortions or Medical Assistance in Dying?
I believe abortion should only be publicly funded if the procedure is a medical necessity. I do not believe that MAID should be publicly funded. I know it exists, and the argument for MAID is that it is the humane option for a progressive society. I struggle with that.
Do you support accountability for yourself and the Recall of Politicians?
Clint Gottinger
What Constituency or municipality are you a candidate in and what position are you running for?
MLA for Kelvington/Wadena
What Political Parties do you hold membership in now and over the past 5 years (Provincial / Federal / other)?
Saskatchewan United Party
Do you believe the rights of the majority or of the individual take precedence in society?
I will protect the rights of the individual and ensure minorities do not override the majority.
Do you think that censorship and prosecution of views and opinions is allowed in Canadian society?
Do you think the state/government has authority over the property of individuals?
What age do you believe is appropriate for the schools to introduce sexual education to the children?
What is your view of the federal bill C-293?
Do you feel it is appropriate (legal or otherwise) for the government to pay for abortions or Medical Assistance in Dying?
Do you support accountability for yourself and the Recall of Politicians?
Dave Moore
What Constituency or municipality are you a candidate in and what position are you running for?
Provincial MLA - Melfort riding
What Political Parties do you hold membership in now and over the past 5 years (Provincial / Federal / other)?
Prov - Sask United - - last 5 years Buffalo Party Federal - PPC
Do you believe the rights of the majority or of the individual take precedence in society?
We live in a democracy (we think) where the majority will have the control over the guidance of our province, but individual rights and freedoms as given to us by God will be respected and take precedence.
Do you think that censorship and prosecution of views and opinions is allowed in Canadian society?
We are being censored, we are being persecuted for views not aligning with government narrative. This is communism and we need truth and transparency in government and allow free speech But I believe until we get truth from governments where people would be able to decide with facts.
Do you think the state/government has authority over the property of individuals?
Land owners using proper husbandry over there property should not have any government/state authority over property of individuals.
What age do you believe is appropriate for the schools to introduce sexual education to the children?
Sexual education needs parameters for acceptable age appropriate material. We presently have materials not appropriate in any school at any age. Suggestion to bring God back to our schools and the teaching from the Bible.
What is your view of the federal bill C-293?
Localize vs globalize. This bill is a total government overreach and control over our food supply and our connection with nature and natural laws we have lived with since our inception. There is a push to dehumanize and this is one more knife into the human body. There is no jurisdiction requiring bill C293. We must fight back!
Do you feel it is appropriate (legal or otherwise) for the government to pay for abortions or Medical Assistance in Dying?
I am pro-life. This is federal jurisdiction and I believe this has taken on a Satanic agenda wherein a return to Christianity and the laws taught. We need supports for those people requesting either of the above and this should be funded but not the latter.
Do you support accountability for yourself and the Recall of Politicians?
Sask United is the only Party with recall provisions so yes I support accountability. Accountability is missing from most of our society today starting with, especially government but lets include parents, kids, criminals and on and on.
Adam Erickson
What Constituency or municipality are you a candidate in and what position are you running for?
MLA for the Moosomin/Montmartre Riding
What Political Parties do you hold membership in now and over the past 5 years (Provincial / Federal / other)?
Sask United. Used to be a member of SaskParty.
Do you believe the rights of the majority or of the individual take precedence in society?
This is a complicated question.
The rights of the individual will take care of the rights of the majority if it's done right. By protecting an individual's rights and freedoms, the majority's will naturally occur. The problem with the government right now is they are taking the Karen's who yell the loudest and are the most active on social media as BEING THE MAJORITY, but that is not the truth. The majority don't yell and complain because they are busy... building a business, working their farm, leading their family. The government is listening to the 'Karen's" like they are the majority but the Government is supposed to be smarter than that.
Do you think that censorship and prosecution of views and opinions should be allowed in Canadian society?
Censorship is what should be prosecuted.
Free Speech is of utmost importance, but it also causes the confusion and frustration that I was talking about above, but regardless, it's the 'stupid speech' that needs to be protected as well because it's a slippery slope of what becomes censored and WHO DOES THE CENSORING.
Do you think the state/government has authority over the property of individuals?
Property rights are to be protected from burglars, vandals, AND THE GOVERNMENT.
But protection can't be provided ONLY by the RCMP.
The right to defend yourself, your family AND YOUR PROPERTY should be normal. It's crazy that's not already a right. I only learned a few years ago we aren't allowed to defend our property.... crazy.
What age do you believe is appropriate for the schools to introduce sexual education to the children?
That is a parent's responsibility. Biology should be taught, but Sex is up to the parents. We have allowed schools to teach it for 2 decades and it has caused families to become complacent in it. Families are ALLOWING schools to teach about sex now, because families ASSUME the schools know best, but that is clearly not the case.
We are LAST in test scores in the country and are more concerned about mental health (parent's job), sex education (parent's job), and inclusion/self-esteem (parent's job). Schools need to get back to the basics and teach what should be taught and leave the rest for the parents.
What is your view of the federal bill C-293?
It... and the people who wrote it should be fired.
Do you feel it is appropriate (legal or otherwise) for the government to pay for abortions or Medical Assistance in Dying?
No. The government should provide BASIC health services, and the rest should be left up to the PRIVATE sector.
Regarding Abortion.... it's a federal issue, but I am personally Pro-Life, but my rant about it is that it's the communities and churches that are failing young women. i believe (naively... maybe) that if churches and communities actually stood up and HELPED these women there would be no need for abortion. But (like education) since the government does it, they don't have to, and the complacency of us in relation to the govt is killing us.
Do you support accountability for yourself and the Recall of Politicians?
Of Course
I don't know the term recall of politicians.
I believe that politicians should be held to a HIGHER account to the general population, higher than police officers. RCMP should have the COMPLETE AUTHORITY to investigate all political scandals and the punishment should be through the courts (and public) like the rest of society.
Darcy Thiele
What Constituency or municipality are you a candidate in and what position are you running for?
running for MLA for White City-Qu'Appelle
What Political Parties do you hold membership in now and over the past 5 years (Provincial / Federal / other)?
Past member of Progressive Conservative (federal) party - no longer
Do you believe the rights of the majority or of the individual take precedence in society?
I personally believe the rights of the individual (God given) need to always take precedence over the rights of the majority if you are to maintain a free society.
Do you think that censorship and prosecution of views and opinions is allowed in Canadian society?
It is happening and needs to be halted.
Do you think the state/government has authority over the property of individuals?
No absolutely not. I believe they (state/government) try to take authority and the people need to reject this. As an example, our stance on firearms is that they are private property and the government should have no jurisdiction over them.
What age do you believe is appropriate for the schools to introduce sexual education to the children?
I do not believe it is appropriate for schools to introduce sexual education to children at all. I believe that responsibility should be left with the parents.
What is your view of the federal bill C-293?
Bill C-293 is a craftily worded bill that is attempting to undermine the people's sovereignty and subvert control and decision making away from the people and place it in the hands of a centralist regime. The federal government seems to continually overstep its purview and attempt to drive decisions or grab powers that are under the provincial governments purview. This is where we need strong leadership in the province to stand up to the federal government and push back on these types of actions. To date we have only seen provincial leaders that talk tough but do not actually position themselves to stand up using the significant powers that the premier has. This is evident in the weak attempts the provincial governments have made with regards to carbon tax for example. The Saskatchewan government talked tough while "pushing back" by bringing lawsuits against the federal government while knowing they had not positioned themselves to win these cases (they were battling on the pretense of the laws set by the federal government rather than battling on the premise that the laws were based on falsities and therefore not valid). We need a strong leader that will stand up for our autonomy as a province. The Sask United Party will do exactly that.
Do you feel it is appropriate (legal or otherwise) for the government to pay for abortions or Medical Assistance in Dying?
Do you support accountability for yourself and the Recall of Politicians?
Yes - I think this would be an important step to ensuring the will of the people is always followed.
Paula Stefankiw
What Constituency or municipality are you a candidate in and what position are you running for?
Wynyard town councilor.
What Political Parties do you hold membership in now and over the past 5 years (Provincial / Federal / other)?
None now. Previously SaskParty.
Do you believe the rights of the majority or of the individual take precedence in society?
Do you think that censorship and prosecution of views and opinions should be allowed in Canadian society?
I don’t believe in censorship
Do you think the state/government has authority over the property of individuals?
Definitely not.
What age do you believe is appropriate for the schools to introduce sexual education to the children?
I believe kids should learn about biology starting in grade 7. Parents can teach biology before that. No education in schools about how to have sex.
What is your view of the federal bill C-293?
It scares me. It gives control to a foreign unelected body of people when they decide it’s needed. People in my country will have no control over how a situation….real or created, is managed.
Do you feel it is appropriate (legal or otherwise) for the government to pay for abortions or Medical Assistance in Dying?
No for both.
Do you support accountability for yourself and the Recall of Politicians?
Wayne Airriess
What Constituency or municipality are you a candidate in and what position are you running for?
rm of cote 271 div 1 councilor
What Political Parties do you hold membership in now and over the past 5 years (Provincial / Federal / other)?
Do you believe the rights of the majority or of the individual take precedence in society?
the rights of the individual should take presidence all individuals should have equal rights
Do you think that censorship and prosecution of views and opinions should be allowed in Canadian society?
Do you think the state/government has authority over the property of individuals?
no but sometimes it feels otherwise with all the regulations in place or being put in place
What age do you believe is appropriate for the schools to introduce sexual education to the children?
there is no appropriate age it is something that should be left to parents as part of raising and nurturing their children
What is your view of the federal bill C-293?
although parts of it may sound good other parts sound like a tool to destroy agriculture as we know it today especially animal agriculture which in turn destroys the food supply places were it says things like as the minister sees fit or deems necessary leaves much to the opinion and beliefs of one person
Do you feel it is appropriate (legal or otherwise) for the government to pay for abortions or Medical Assistance in Dying?
Do you support accountability for yourself and the Recall of Politicians?