Living Streams Institute Inc. and The New Guardians initiative are polling candidates who are running for Municipal Office (school board trustees, town and rural municipal council members), and Provincial Members of Legislative Assembly to determine their position on issues of importance to our membership and our neighbors.
We are asking for every candidate to complete the following questionnaire before October 24, 2024, the results of which will be posted on our website on October 26, 2024. Citizens may view the results and then vote accordingly.
Candidates can click on the questions listed here to answer them.
You can also attach a single page statement, platform, or further discussion regarding the questions or your views and beliefs.
Municipal Candidates should also read the Covenenat of Public Service that is provided below that was prepared and developed by the New Guardians and if this resonates with you and you would like to let your constituents know where you stand, print it, sign it and send it to Your answers and submissions may be included in public report.
The New Guardians Covenant of Service in Public Office (pdf)